
What is the GED and How Can it Help My Education?

GED stands for ‘General Education Development’ tests, a series of academic tests to measure a person’s skills in core subjects. The GED tests are globally accepted as an equivalent to a high school diploma and for a person who did not finish their formal education, it is possible to take GED tests that will enable the student to move on to further education.

Core academic subjects

The GED comprises of four academic subjects, which are as follows:

  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Reading and writing
  • Social studies

If you would like to study GED (known as เรียน GED in Thai)with a view to passing the tests, there are Thai academic institutions that offer the possibility to study a 4-year degree that includes 2 years of study at a leading UK university. You can even acquire enough credits to shorten the program to a 3-year course; 2 years in Thailand and the final year in a foreign university of your choosing.

What do I need to Study a university degree?

The requirements are as follows:

  • Aged at least 16 years and 6 months.
  • High school diploma or GED (or equivalent).
  • IELTS or Finn English language score.
  • Pass the Finn interview.

If you would like to learn more about the GED and the Thai academic institutions that offer foreign university degrees, start with a Google search to find such institutions and make an enquiry.

The key to a successful future

If your son or daughter did not manage to acquire their high school diploma, that doesn’t mean they cannot go on to further education. Simply apply to one of the leading Thai academies that work in conjunction with UK universities and they can help you make the necessary preparations to enrol in the program.

History of GED

In the early 1940s, the US armed forces asked the American Council on Education to develop a series of tests to measure high school level of education, as many army recruits did not have a high school diploma. Another reason for such tests was to enable military personnel to get jobs when they left the military and get back to civilian life. Over the years, there have been some revisions to the GED tests, the last being in 2014, with an upgrade in all four core subject areas.

GED testing stations

There are more than 4,000 GED testing stations around the world, which are controlled environments where a student can sit the GED tests.