If you are going away for a a few days and can’t find anybody suitable to look after your cats whilst you’re away then you might have considered the idea of a kennel for your cats. Sounds odd saying cats and kennel together most people probably associate kennels with dogs, but, they are just as important for your feline friends too!!
Kennels for cats
So, what are kennels for cats? They haven’t been around for that long surely; they must be a new fad. Not quite, but, usually you’d hear cat kennels in Radstock, referred to as a ‘Catery’. They aren’t that much dissimilar to dog kennels really, although obviously the cater for cats Any medicine, or meal times will be administered by the team whilst you are away.
What about friends and family?
Lots of people leave their pets with family and friends when they are unable to be there in person. It can be a great help, if the help is available, and reliable. The only trouble is somebody always forgets something. Whether that be a meal, some medicine or, to exercise them, if you use a cattery, you’ll have some reassurances.
A rough guide
You’ll find that there are a variety of associations, some of which have up to 30 pes which are nice and airy and have been situated so that they get a good amount of sunlight throughout the day. Special padding in the pens also means that they can harness the sun’s warmth, using It to make sure your little ones are as comfy as can be, at night